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I was wondering what to write as my first president’s message. It is really a daunting task when you have not done it in a few years. I thought of the many reasons that I decided to return to the presidential podium. My first run 15 years ago was the idea of Dan Cameron who thought my energy was just what the club needed. I am not even sure I agreed to be president before it was “too late”, the gavel came down and I was it. A few great men formally called the Board of Directors took me under their protective wings and taught me all I needed to know. cough…cough…ha…ha!! They called me “kiddo” and made me feel welcome. They laughed at me when I was nervous, cried with me when we lost a member, helped implement plans for new ideas we wanted to explore, and they showed me that TWA is much more than an association. Becoming involved with this club is one of the best decisions I have made in my lifetime. I enjoyed my years then and I plan to do the same this time. I look forward to what is to come and getting to know all of you. I am terrible with names so please wear your name badges, that will help me out a great deal.
    My focus is on membership, our numbers are low and it concerns me. We all want to have big name speakers but without membership to add to the kitty that is just not in our future. Jeff and his team have already secured some awesome meetings for the next year, I for one am very excited. We now need all of you to bring a friend or two, also bring a chair to be sure we have seating for all.
    I have mentioned in recent months that my husband and I are currently taking care of his Mother who has had some tremendous heath scares recently. As she is unable to be on her own at this time we have relocated to Wilson, NC. That means that I am far away from my shop. I do have a small building here that I am currently turning into a quaint woodshop for myself. Anyone who was at the first Toys for Tots at our shop in Creedmoor a few weeks ago also knows that my lovely Mother does not want me anywhere near power tools because of my clotting disorder. She tries ahrd to make it very difficult for me to turn on a saw. It is nice to be loved but hard to steal a scroll saw from under her nose. Last weekend my husband took off to play golf and while the men were playing golf I built a 2’x4’x40” bench for my new shop!!! It felt great to be using my tools and creating something useful again. I have not lost my touch. I also have my scroll saw here and am getting back into the swing of things with it. I am being very careful…I promise. I even taught my 5 year old grandson how to use a palm sander. During the past few years that I have been fighting the illness I suffer from, I have truly missed the craft which I hold so dear. If you have not been in your shops in a while, go buy a few 2x4’s and create something simple for your home or your shop, you will be amazed how much better it will make you feel. Next up for me are some shelves in our bedroom closet and then toy making for our beloved Toys for Tots program.
With a huge amount of things going on over the next few months be sure to keep your newsletter at hand and check the web for any new updates. Roger (our webmaster and my husband) will be making some changes and updates soon.

Till next time...