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I was thrilled with our last meeting. You guys were speaking up with some really good ideas and asking questions during Jim's presentation. It was great, I loved it, and it is exactly what should be happening. We gather together to learn, learning requires questions, suggestions, and intrigue. It was AWESOME.

I do feel that I need to apologize to Jim as the start of our meeting took much longer than anticipated and I felt like we may have cut into his presentation time. If you missed our meeting you missed a very impressive presentation by Jim Oleson. Thank You so much Jim for your patience and it appeared you were able to complete your presentation but I do apologize if I cut you short with the many items covered at our start.

My new mini shop is coming along. I have built another smaller and shorter bench for holding my machinery at a usable height. Organization has become a challenge. I am learning to use every inch of available space. Hanging my smaller tools has become like an art form. I hate to see what happens when a tool is missing because it was not returned to its proper spot on the wall. Organization in the shop is a new concept for me as all of you who have ever been to a T4T workshop at our place in Creedmoor. I will have to take some photo's when I a done to prove I can do it!!!

My last item for this month is not a fun item for me as I do not do well with what can be considered negative things. My returning to leadership of the club is to help in returning it to the best club for woodworkers in North Carolina and to make other States jealous of what we offer. In doing so we are trying new things and shaking things up. Sometimes when you wake a sleeping giant you do not always get the best results. We are planning on the best results. While there have not been many negative comments there have been one or two. Here is my thing -- I do not mind a complaint but what I would like is if you have a complaint please bring it to me, however, along with your complaint bring me a reso­lution as well. Then we have some­thing to talk about.

TWA is an awesome club, it has had great leaders, it is a sleeping giant right now which needs us all to wake her up and get her moving again...

Till next time...