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The President's Corner - July 2011

June’s program featured Beth Woody of Hillsborough, NC. She is an accomplished and prize-winning Marquetarian. During her presentation she discussed the origins and development of the art of Marquetry and demonstrated the method she uses to paint with wood. Our members seemed to be very interested judging by the number any depth of questions. 

Tommy Revelle, who arrives early to set up, test our AV equipment and records the event was recognized in June. He also prepares a disc for entry into our Library. Along with his volunteer activities he also records many of our workshops and those are also now part of our library. 

For show and tell, Kay Baker & I brought our projects from the Glen Huey workshop. Hers was finished, mine not so much. Alan Leland brought in a wonderful Windsor chair he made. Frank Mansfield displayed a Marine Corps tank that was really impressive in the level of detail he included. Thanks so much for sharing. 

In July, we have scheduled a members’ skills demonstration. This type of program was so well received when it was first done in 2009; we decided to do it again in 2011. There will be four stations. Attendees will be split into four groups which will rotate through the stations. Bob Gabor, Bill Anderson, Mike Payst, and Pete Bucki have graciously agreed to be our presenters. More detailed information can be found on the first page of the newsletter. 

Our nominating committee has been hard at work on the openings for the club’s board. At the June meeting the opportunity for members to make nominations from the floor was given, however there were none. At the July meeting the nominating committee will present their candidates and the members will have a chance to meet the candidates. 

Please remember that dues are payable August 1st. Kay works very hard to make it as easy on you as posible. It would be great if we could all make her life easier and get this task behind us at the July and August meetings. 

Paul Rolfe announced that there will be a Third Annual North Carolina Woodworker’s Showcase in September. I will be meeting with him to develop the details and will be asking for people to assist at the Showcase. This was a fun and successful event the last two years, in large part because of the TWA support, both in manpower and entries. Please plan on entering some of your work. It’s fun to see the work others have done, but unless folks enter their work, there won’t be anything to see. 

My last item for this month is that we are still asking you to invite people you think would enjoy our club to visit and hopefully join. I am not suggesting a hard sell, but if you know someone who would enjoy our gatherings and the inforamtion we have to share please bring them along. To that end, flyers will be available for you to give to your guests. 

Hope to see many faces in July! 

President: Allan Campbell