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The President's Corner - June 2011


May’s program featured Glen Huey, Senior Editor, & power tool guy, at Popular Woodworking Magazine. After his slideshow of his work and a discussion of the weekend project, (a door for a Pennsylvania spice box) several people who had signed up for the workshop were heard wondering if they had bitten off more than they could chew. After the workshop and a check-in with those same folks, they are now saying, “I can’t believe that I did it”. All reports say that it was a really good workshop. 

At our last meeting, I recognized Leon Abbas for his efforts with our audio-visual system. He usually assists Tommy Revelle, but Tommy was absent and Leon was called on to set up the projector and computer. Don’t you love the solo act after very little training?. After one “O-my-gosh, what am I going to do?” he dug in and figured it out. I was really glad he was there and came through in a big way. 

In June, we have another particularly good presentation scheduled with Beth Woody on the subject of marquetry. It seems to me that it is a proper subject to follow last months inlay program. After this one we will all be able to create a design in marquetry and inlay it into something we have built. Maybe that would make the marquetry design an inlay, but regardless we should be able to do it, and that will really dress up a project. 

On May 18th, I attended the “program committee” meeting, and am pleased to report that they are already working on the programs for 2012. If you have anything you want considered, now is the time to tell Terry Tenhouse or Pete Leimberger. 

Our “nominating committee” has also been at work on the board openings. At the June meeting members will be asked to make nominations from the floor, so if you want to nominate someone, including yourself, you can make your nomination during the meeting or contact Fred Ford, Terry Tenhouse or Ed Mastin to make your nomination if you are shy during the meeting. 

My last item for this month -- we are asking members to invite people who would enjoy our club to visit and join. We aren’t suggesting a hard sell, but if you know someone who might enjoy it, please invite them to a meeting. There are a great number of people out there looking for a club like ours. Unfortunately advertising is not in our budget so we must rely on you and I know ALL of you like to talk -- so speak to your friends, neighbors, the guy in front of you at Home Depot -- word of mouth is the best form of flattery and advertising. We will have lyers available at the next meeting to give to guests. 

Hope to see many faces in July! 

President: Allan Campbell