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I can hardly belive another month has gone by. I wish I had some fantastic words of wisdom to share -- but...

I went on the hunt for something interest- ing to share and I found this...I hope you all enjoy and I hope you go to the website for the full interview.

The “Lucky” Ones– An interview with Irish woodworking artist Aislinn Lynch

Aislinn Lynch is an Irish designer working in wood veneer. After earning her BA in Interior and Furniture Design from the Dublin Institute of Technology in 2011, Aislinn (pronounced Ash-lin) was awarded studio space and mentoring at the Malthouse Design Centre, where she is currently based as a Resident Designer. She became inter- ested in woodworking in her last year as an undergraduate and has since exhibited her work in galleries such as the Light Fantastic, where her collection “Lady” was showcased along with more than a dozen Irish lighting designers.

Growing up between Dublin, Chicago, and Windsor, England, Aislinn’s profession is a bit of a departure from her upbring- ing—her parents worked in finance. But her passion for creating beautiful works of art with her hands has proved fulfilling, and at times, surreal. Her positive, open- minded demeanor, combined with her intuit for aesthetics, have paved the way for a long-lasting career in the world of design. But money isn’t anywhere near her biggest motivating factor. It’s simply the joy of creating and collaborating that inspires her work.

Being a female designer myself and having a background in graphics and my love for all things hand created, I found her interview very rewarding.

As of today I plan to join you Tuesday night, fingers crossed I will have a good day. My medical team has promised brighter days ahead...I am ready and I know my family is as well. Illness takes over your life and is a very hard thing not only on you but on

all those that love you. I thank all of you for your continued concern and support.

Till next time...