The President's Corner, Allan's Final! - September 2012
At the August meeting, we elected new Board members, Pete Bucki & Steve Steinbeck, each have a 3 year term beginning in September. At our Board meeting, Steve was elected President. With Steve holding the reins, I know the club is in good hands. He is starting with great enthusiasm and energy. He also has a fine Board and many members to help him.
Kay reports the book give-away was a great success, both in eliminating excess books and in encouraging payment of dues. Donations were welcomed and appreciated. I am sure we will see a repeat event.
The Board has authorized the purchase of new A/V equipment, so things should run more smoothly for Tommy and his team in the future. We are going to experiment with remote internet access to meetings for those who are unable to attend. We will keep you posted.
Don’t forget that Klingspor is again sponsoring the Woodworkers Showcase in 2012. The date is September 15th, which should give us time to prepare our entries. This event is a lot of fun, with demonstrations, sales, a great competition, and a chance to see other’s projects. I encourage everyone to enter something in the show. The largest group of entries is from our members. I have entered something each year and can tell you that it is fun to be part of the event whether your entry wins or not. Without our participation I really think this event would cease to exist, so let’s get behind it and make it another big success.
As my term on the Board and as President come to an end, I want to thank all who have helped and guided me through the last 2 years. I have had an opportunity to work with many members who I probably would not have gotten to know. You have all made my life richer and more enjoyable. Now I look forward to being able to visit at my leisure.
As I turn over the reins I still want to encourage club membership. We rely on members to bring in "name" presenters. I know all of us enjoy meeting those with great knowledge and I would hate to see that end because membership is not enough to afford big names. So, please continue your efforts to add to our numbers.
Somebody save me a seat in the galley for the September meeting -- I will see you all there and look forward to the start of Steve's rein.
President: Allan Campbell