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The President's Corner - January 2012

The Presidents Corner

We have just finished another year and with it another Toys for Tots effort. From any viewpoint it was another great success. Those who worked on the project produced over 2500 toys ranging from VW Beetles to much more complex toys for older kids. Those folks can take pride in having made a better Christmas for over 2500 children. Our December meeting was at the Preserve in Wake Forest and was dedicated to the Toys for Tots effort. Thanks go to Charles Buenzli for arranging the location and to all who provided the great food for the social hour. Fred Ford emceed and recognized the people who worked at the various workshops throughout the year. I am very sure a good time was had by all. I know Fred Ford and all his elves will soon begin work on next year’s program. I encourage all of you who have not participated to get involved next year. It takes very little time and the rewards are great.

We are accepting donations for the Toys for Tots program. With the rising cost of materials we are in need of some help to keep going. As this program brings so many members together for a day of fun, work, and getting to know each other, it would be a tradgedy if we were not able to continue. Please consider what you can give to keep this worthy project afloat. Donations of all sizes are welcome and yours can be kept confidential if you like. Hugh Fish or any Board member will be happy to accept your gift.

Our webmaster is still working on making our website more inviting and informative and is shutting down the old site as soon as information is transferred to the new site. Please be sure you are checking only the new site for things concerning TWA- like our calendar and newsletters. Also, from the new website, you can access our new Facebook page, be sure to check it out.

We are starting 2012 off with a particularly good program. Matt Hobbs will cover how to make drawers and fit them to a carcass. I don’t know about your experiences, but I have had drawers come out as parallelograms, twisted, too loose, and otherwise wrong. Most of the time I have been able to “fix” them, but they were never “right”. It sure would be nice if I could make them fit correctly the first time, at least most of the time.

My last item for this month is that we are asking members to invite a guest you think would enjoy our club to visit and join. We aren’t suggesting a hard sell, but if you know someone who might enjoy it, please invite them to a meeting. To that end, we will have flyers available for you to give to your prospective guests.

Hope to see many faces in January!

President: Allan Campbell