TWA Toys for Tots Year End Report


Year Twenty-Eight


Our toy pick up meeting was held Tuesday, December 10. 2013. The meeting began with the presentation of a plaque from the Marine Corps which recognized our contribution to the Toys for Tots program over the last  twenty-eighth. years.  First Sgt. Cox made presentations to me on the behalf of the Triangle Woodworkers Association.

Paul Rolfe will display the plaque in Klingspor’s Woodworking Shop for members and the public to see.

 Even Santa took time to recognize your contributions.  He borrowed Jimmy Burn’s trumpet to play some Christmas songs and a Marine song to recognize their service to our country and the dedication of the Marines that support Toys for Tots in their off the clock hours.


This year we turned 2,902 toys to the Marines at our celebration meeting  .  Roy Underhill was kind enough to entertain us with some of his great reflections on life.  The food was excellent and the turnout was great.  Paul Rolf and his staff did an excellent job at making enough space available for us to show our toys and also to be seated.


All of the workshop hosts presented their contributions and explained how the toys were constructed.


To the right, along with Jimmy Burn’s horn, you see the start of the Creedmoor production which totaled 1,745.

Below is Cecil Raynor’s workshop with Pete Payst explaining the engineering construction. Followed by more Creedmoor, Allen Campbell’s Klingspor day, and Terry Tenhouse’s workshop.








Another highlight of the evening was the presentation of toys from individual workshops.  Don Frankfather  Alex Knittel and Jim and Thelma Rhodes presented toys that they had made in their own private workshops.  Their presentation added real interest to the evening.  I WOULD LIKE TO ENCOURAGE MORE MEMBERS TO PARTICIPATE BY HOSTING THEIR OWN PERSONAL WORKSHOPS.  EVERY ONE TOY MAKES A DIFFERENCE TO A NEEDY CHILD.

Some purchased toys were contributed by Jan and George Batker which added additional interest and color.

During the twenty-eight years since we started the TWA Toys for Tots program, our effort has been on handmade toys.  We have now contributed 91,734 toys to the Toys for Tots program in our twenty-eight years of making a lot of sawdust.

I want to give a special thanks to all of you that furnished refreshments.  It was a tables set for a king.  Signed up to supply food were Bob Gabor, Pete Bucki, Frank Noser, Hal Brown, Terry Tenhouse, Mike Payst, Judy and Roger Sanwald, Jim and Thelma Rhodes, Rolf Andersson Cecil Raynor, Ron Heidenreich, George Mills, Jan Batker, and Allen Campbell..  I am sure some of the men signing up got some help from wives and I also know some people brought things although not signed up.  Thank you all.


There were fifty-three men and women who gave of their time and talent supported 208 workshop days.  In support of those workshop days were host setting up for the workshops and other support.  Examples:


  • Pete Hodges cut out 1,200 Volkswagen’s
  • Pete Hodges cut out 60 Pinocchio’s
  • Pete Hodges cut out a lot of dog ears
  • Pete Hodges made plaques this year and last to be presented
  • Pete Hodges and Louis Gergson made us Barbecue.
  • Pete Bucki cut out 300 Volkswagen’s and much more.
  • Bruce Wrenn cut out 808 Volkswagen’s, finished 100 to supply all stations with start  up material, supplied shop made flap wheels, supplied jigs for assembly and supplied two drill presses to aid in assembly.
  • A team of seamstresses made mattresses and covers for doll beds from Cecil’s workshop
  • Mike Paste designed the doll beds and made prototypes to support production
  • Fred Ford IRS ask for miles I have 760 to declare, My church ask for hours given to support charity I have 157 for Toys for Tots.
  • I am sure there are many of you that have similar reports such as Terry Tenhouse many trips to get wood in from Gibsonville


The table below lists our contributions, but the true story was found in the homes of the little children getting their toys Christmas morning that had been made with love.

Dollar value is not what we are about, however it is interesting to note that were you to purchase 50 American Doll beds as were made at Cecil’s workshop it would cost about $5,000 plus tax and shipping.



Chairman TWA Toys for Tots Committee



Triangle Woodworkers Association

Toys Collected for Toys for Tots 2013





Cecil’s Workshop

Doll Beds with bedding





Terry’s Workshop

Nick Nack Boxes





Bill’s Workshop in Creedmoor







Large Bears



Small Bears



Dog Pull Toys





Klingspor’s Workshop






Alex Knittel Workshop

California Cars


Don Frankfather’s Workshop

Caron Trucks



Truck with Car


Jim Rhodes & Thelma’s Workshop

Cars, Trucks, & Buses


Jan and George Batker

Purchased Toys






